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One week to go!

Drew Murray

Only a week to launch day!

It’s been a very busy time with the launch of Broken Genius. The book isn’t even officially launched yet, but it’s already shipping from some retailers. It’s a very strange time to be doing a book launch. My excitement and enthusiasm is tempered with concern over the pandemic, and what that means for me and my family, as well as people I know that have been affected either by the disease itself or the medical fallout.

Then again, we all need entertainment to help us get through this time. If someone can escape for a while into Broken Genius, then I’m happy I’ve been able to help.

To support the launch, I’ve written a number of guest articles for various blogs, which will start to come out soon. I’m also recording some podcasts and live-streams as a guest over the next couple of weeks and will be sharing them on social media.

National Media:


Crime Reads

Criminal Element

John Scalzi’s Big Idea


Suspense Radio

Throwdown Thursday

The Functional Nerds


First Chapter Fun

Authors on the Air

I’ll share links when I have them!


©2019 by Drew Murray Books.

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